On 18/02 an online seminar on Gender Perspective in Teaching at UCM

Recommendations and teaching practices with a gender perspective from the Gender Equality Nodes Network of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid

During this 2021/2022, the Gender Equality Nodes Network of the UCM has worked on the analysis of experiences and practices on how to incorporate the gender approach in teaching. Results of this work will be presented on  Friday, February 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The main aim of this event is to provide handy resources and recommendations for the Academic Staff on how to easily incorporate gender equality within classes and teaching tasks and content.   

Info and details: https://www.ucm.es/supera/noticias/51479

Registration is required here: https://forms.gle/QHXkSs2tekyin5uJ8

¿Cómo conseguir una docencia más equitativa? Recomendaciones para incluir la perspectiva de género en la docencia [file .pdf]

10.00 -10.10 Opening

10.10 – 10.45
Introduction to the Incorporation of Gender Equality Perspective  in Teaching
General Recommendations in Classroom Management, Methodologies and Evaluation

10.45 – 11.30 Inspiring practices in Arts and Humanities

11.30 -12.15 Inspiring practices in Social Sciences

12.15-12.30 Break

12.30 -13.15 Inspiring Practices in Health Sciences

13.15 – 14.00 Inspiring Practices in STEM

14.00 Closing

Info: SUPERA – Project Office superaprojectoffice@ucm.es