Resources for research funding organisations
Welcome to the section of our website dedicated to research funding organisations!
Among RFOs, we register an increasing interest on the design and implementation of measures to improve the impact of their funding schemes on gender equality. Sometimes these measures may take the form of a Gender Equality Plan, or of a policy, or other individual measures.
The goal of this page is to gather useful materials that might be interesting for any institution willing to introduce gender equality measures in its activities.
Resources & examples
We developed a tool that brings together resources and examples of measures that RFOs can take to promote gender equality during the typical cycle of a call for proposals. The tool is available at this link and also on Miro at this link.
Training & knowledge sharing
SUPERA has launched a series of webinars and online workshops to facilitate experience exchanges between Research Funding Organisations that develop – or plan to develop – a Gender Equality policy.
In this section you can find the video recordings and the presentations held by guest speakers during these events:
- Webinar #01: Gender Equality in RFOs, two experiences – 13 November 2020
- Webinar #02: How can RFOs fight gender bias – 18 November 2020
- Webinar #03: Gender equality in funding mechanisms – 26 January 2021
- Webinar #04: A closer look at unconscious bias and what RFOs can do – 16 December 2021
- Webinar #5: Mutual learning & exchange between RFOs to foster institutional change – 21 April 2022
- Webinar #01: Gender Equality in RFOs, two experiences – 13 November 2020
- Webinar #02: How can RFOs fight gender bias – 18 November 2020
- Webinar #03: Gender equality in funding mechanisms – 26 January 2021
- Webinar #04: A closer look to unconscious bias and what RFOs can do – 16 December 2021
- Webinar #5: Mutual learning & exchange between RFOs to foster institutional change
- Webinar #01 – Presentation held by Tara Marini (Autonomous Region of Sardinia – RAS) during the webinar “Gender Equality in RFOs, two experiences”, organised by SUPERA on 13 November 2020
- Webinar #01 – Presentation held by Elisabeth Nagl and Donia Lasinger (Vienna science and technology fund) during the webinar “Gender Equality in RFOs, two experiences”, organised by SUPERA on 13 November 2020
- Webinar #02 – Presentation held by Jana Dvorackova (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) during the webinar “How can RFOs fight gender bias”, organised by SUPERA on 18 November 2020
- Webinar #02 – Presentation held by Angela Zeller (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) during the webinar “How can RFOs fight gender bias”, organised by SUPERA on 18 November 2020
- Webinar #03 – Presentation held by Victoria Ley (Spanish Research Agency) during the webinar “Gender equality in funding mechanisms”, organised by SUPERA on 26 January 2021
- Webinar #04 – Presentation held by Maxime Forest (SciencesPo) during the webinar “A closer look to unconscious bias and what RFOs can do”, organised by SUPERA on 16 December 2021
- Webinar #04 – Presentation held by Carry Hergaarden (Dutch Research Council – NWO) during the webinar “A closer look to unconscious bias and what RFOs can do”, organised by SUPERA on 16 December 2021
Gender equality plans
The two research funding institutions participating to the SUPERA Consortium, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, have approved their Gender Equality Plans. Here they are:
RAS Gender Equality Plan – Piano per l’uguaglianza di genere nella ricerca (approved in July 2020)
Agencia Estatal de Investigación – Plan de Igualdad de Género (spanish version) – Gender Equality Plan 2021-2023 (english version) (approved in January 2021)
The Spanish State Research Agency has issued a series of e-learning training modules on different aspects of gender equality in R+D+I, developed in collaboration with the Women and Science Unit of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, as part of the actions foreseen in the I Gender Equality Plan of the Agency 2021-2023.
Visit the page on the website of the Spanish State Research Agency: E-learning training modules on different aspects of gender equality in R+D+I, for R+D+I financing activities
Visit the section dedicated to training resources on the website of the Spanish Ministry of Science and innovation: Recursos didácticos
Here is the full list of video trainings (in Spanish language, with self-generated English captions):
Module 3. Unconscious gender bias in evaluation/Sesgos inconscientes de género en la evaluación
Module 4. Use of non-sexist and inclusive language/Uso de un lenguaje no sexista e inclusivo
The sister project GENDERACTION produced a video on the role of funding agencies in the promotion of gender equality in research and innovation.
Reading list
A framework for sex, gender, and diversity analysis in research (Hunt, L., M. W. Nielsen and L. Schiebinger). Science n.377 (2022). Accessed October 6, 2022: link
Canadian Institutes of Health Research. “How to Integrate Sex and Gender into Research.” Accessed August 26, 2020: link
Canadian Institutes of Health Research- Institute of Health and Gender. “Sex and Gender Training Modules.” Accessed August 26, 2020: link
Doona, Annie. “Addressing Gender Inequality in Academia: The Role of Irish Funding Agencies” in Drew, Eileen P., and Siobhán Canavan, editors. The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction in Terms? Routledge, 2020.

Contact us
Do you have a question for us or would you like to be kept informed about our activities for Research Funding Organisations? Please send us a message: