Webinar #2
November 18 h. 10:00 – 11:30 UTC+2

Date: 18 November 2020 start at 10:00 am (CET), close at 11:30 am
RFOs have the ambition to take just and fair decisions and may find themselves confronted with unconscious biases in that process. Different solutions exist, starting by raising awareness and training of staff and evaluators. In this webinar, two RFOs who have invested in the understanding of the phenomenon and started to take actions will share their experiences.
ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) is a national RFO from France who has developed a gender equality plan. In the preparation phase, gender bias as a phenomenon was studied and concrete actions are now part of the plan that is implemented.
TA CR (the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) is also a national level RFO with experience of various measures and programmes to improve the gender equality of their work. TA CR studied the gender bias and made a benchmarking of possible actions to reduce the bias. This has led to the choice of an approach on how to combat the phenomenon which they will share during the webinar.
The second part of the webinar will be devoted to questions and answers and exchanges with the audience.
From ANR: Angela Zeller
From TA CR: Jana Dvořáčková
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