Participatory techniques

Participatory approaches towards GEP design and implementation guide

Based on the experience of the SUPERA, Yellow Window developed a guide on how to facilitate participation from stakeholders in the design and implementation of Gender equality Plans. The document builds on the one hand on a project deliverable that was made available to the SUPERA core teams in each GEP implementing institution at the start of the project, and on the other hand on the actual experience of using these techniques. It aims at providing guidance to all those who will implement Gender Equality Plans on how to proceed with this type of techniques.

This publication is meant as a reference document and guide for all who intend to use participatory techniques. The target of this publication are the members of the core team in charge of the GEP inside an institution, as well as those acting as change facilitators.

Download the Participatory approaches towards GEP design and implementation SUPERA guide [file .pdf]

Discover and download the participatory techniques:

Objective of the technique: Make participants aware of the oppressive forces that act upon them, by deconstructing power structures.

Objective of the technique: Collect opinions from a group of people interested in a specific topic in order to build a common understanding and a good cooperation on some strategic objectives and action plans. The aim is to reach a solution (which implies making a decision).

Objective of the technique: Identify problems and reformulate objectives.

Objective of the technique: Identify innovative strategies for social change.

Objective of the technique: Create different inspired and productive working groups, active on various issues.

Objective of the technique: Reflect on the underlying causes of a problem.

Objective of the technique: help to develop insights on problems that occur during the journey. They can be used as a tool in the design process itself to find solutions for identified problems.

Objective of the technique: generate and stimulate ideas or define a problem in more detail.

Objective of the technique: allows participants in a co-design workshop to take some distance from their own experience by taking the point of view of the persona.

Objective of the technique: allows to visualise the various stakeholders involved in the gender equality related issues and how these relate to each other and to the institution or department/faculty.

Objective of the technique: analyse the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats as an interesting exercise to make at the start of the GEP process, from the point of view of gender equality.

Download the cards

Theatre of Oppressed


Problem Tree

World Café

OST – Open Space Technology

Cause diagram

Journey map

Lotus Blossom


Stakeholder mapping

SWOT analysis